Natural pearls or cultured pearls are very delicate gems and can be easily damaged by the surrounding conditions. Thus it is extremely important that proper care must be taken while using pearl jewelry. If proper care is taken then the gems will go on without damage for centuries.
1) When pearls are worn very often and close to the skin they get eroded or damaged due to the mildest of acids given out by the skin. So use of pearl necklaces, pearl rings or pearl earrings very often in humid places is not advisable.
2) Pearl jewelry like earrings, pendents, rings etc should not be kept in cotton wool as it contains small amounts of acids that may damage the pearl in the long run.
3) Pearl jewelry should not be kept in polythene (plastic) bags also as there isn?t enough moisture for the pearls which will create a water loss and damage the outer surface of the pearls.
4) The best way of storing little pearl beads would be to keep them well wrapped in white linen cloth or pure silk.
5) Cosmetics and perfumes must never come in contact with pearls as the acids and chemicals most certainly will damage these gemstones.
6) Restringing of pearls that are very often used, is a very good idea as many a times the string of pearls may absorb the perfume of cosmetics used and in turn damage the pearl. The stringing ( if it is done in silk ) by itself may worn out may break causing loss of your valuable pearls. It is advisable to re string regularly used pearls once every six months.
7) The best way of stringing pears is to have a knot at the end of each pearl so in case of breakage only one pearl is lost and the pearls dont scratch and spoil.
So next time when you buy some pearl jewelry keep in mind the following tips. If you take care of pearls with love and care it can last longer than a life time.
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